Obama Fracking Regulations Fall Short of Protecting U.S.


Today, the Interior Department unveiled the first major regulation of fracking in America, but the new rules fall short of what citizens and activists have been seeking to protect themselves and the environment. Worse, it codifies fracking as a viable path forward for America’s energy needs, a dangerous direction that threatens lives in pursuit of profit.

“Current federal well-drilling regulations are more than 30 years old and they simply have not kept pace with the technical complexities of today’s hydraulic fracturing operations,” Interior Secretary Jewell said. “This updated and strengthened rule provides a framework of safeguards and disclosure protocols that will allow for the continued responsible development of our federal oil and gas resources. As we continue to offer millions of acres of public lands for conventional and renewable energy production, it is absolutely critical the public have confidence that transparent and effective safety and environmental protections are in place.”

Under the new regulations, companies that drill for oil and natural gas on federal lands must disclose the chemicals used in fracking operations within 30 days. The new rules also require that companies meet certain well construction standards, and safely dispose of fracking wastewater.

While it’s great to see policies enacted to restrict dangerous fracking, the new rules fall short of what is needed to protect our environment and the safety of our citizens. Environmentalists fear that the new regulations could allow for unsafe drilling practices to pollute groundwater. In addition, the website used for disclosing fracking materials is allegedly industry-run, which could lead to a conflict of interest.

Regulating fracking is complicity approving of fracking in the first place, but Americans are united in their opposition to fracking, as evidenced by grassroots activism efforts in all the fracking states.

That’s why, despite the appearance of progress, documentaries like Dear President Obama are still important. Citizens still need Obama to hear our voices if there is to be any hope of moving away from fracking as a dirty future energy source, and toward cleaner, renewable energy that is already being implemented in countries where the energy industry does not fight progress so aggressively with propaganda and direct lobbying of lawmakers.

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