Oklahoman Sues Fracking Companies for Injuries Caused by 5.0 Earthquake

Scientific study after scientific study concludes fracking causes earthquakes. When areas that previously saw no seismicity suddenly start shaking with intense quakes felt for miles around, how does that fly under the radar of the American public?

As macabre as it may sound, part of the answer may lie in the lack of human suffering from these earthquakes. The widespread threat to human health that scientists have found with fracking impacting air and groundwater is well known. Science is now confirming what we’ve seen on the ground, interviewing citizens impacted by fracking. The ill effects from fracking pollution and contamination threaten the environment and its habitants. It will take many years to measure the true toll in cancers and deaths.

Clear and Present Danger

Dispense yourself of the myth that fracking-caused earthquakes have no casualties and meet Sandra Ladra. In 2011, Ladra suffered serious injuries to her knees and legs when a 5.0 earthquake resulting from fracking activity caused the rock facing on her two-story fireplace and chimney to fall into the living room, where she was watching television with her family. Ladra is currently suing New Dominion and Spess Oil Co. — the first lawsuit of its kind headed toward a jury trial. If fracking continues, it likely won’t be the last. Will it take more injuries, or worse, death, for the public to wake up to the fact that there is something suspect about a bridge to our energy future if it’s built on earthquakes that can potentially kill innocent citizens?

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