Stop the Frack Attack National Summit Announced

This October, Colorado will host the first major national summit of “fracktivist” organizations. Shane Davis of has been sending out early invitations, and fracking activists across the country are making their travel plans.

The event promises to better organize the fracktivist community from all corners of the US, which has been growing strong as lawmakers refuse to act against mountains of evidence that fracking contaminates the environment and poses a widespread health threat to citizens. Despite the clear and present dangers, economic and political pressures have put lawmakers in a compromised position. Corporate lobbying has corrupted many in positions of power to bias policy toward fossil fuel extraction, putting our people, our water, our land and property values at risk — not to mention causing hundreds of earthquakes — while other countries are seeing great results from embracing renewables.

colorado fracking summit + stop the frack attack + fractivist + denver Colorado national summit

The activists assembling are from communities that are under the scourge of fracking, some in states that have banned local communities from passing measures to ban the practice. Others will join from New York — the only state to pass an outright ban on the practice — to discuss the methods used to achieve the landmark ban.

We’ll be bringing you up to date on the latest around this important national summit. American citizens are united in one voice against fracking, and this October, that voice will be as loud as it ever has been.